Saturday, December 30, 2006

Launching of CloakNet

Welcome to CloakNet, a blog started in '007 to provide intelligence news to the rest of us non-governmental types. Our mission: provide you with the straight scoop on how espionage works, equipment reviews and how-tos, and even provide a few martini recipes. I'll be your host, so step into our quiet office in a non-descript neighborhood and learn more about the shadows lurking around us.

As we get started, let me first say that I want to hear from you. Let us know how we are doing and what you would like to see. Of course, if you see interesting espionage activities or items, please forward them to me.
Starting out, I'll have posts in 6 categories:
  • News. Any sort of activities that are of interest to the modern intelligence community.
  • Equipment. The facts on gear - to help prevent rip-offs by so-called spy shops and so you can get good gear.
  • Methods. Actual methods used by spies, or methods that could be included in their repetoire.
  • Books. Details on available books.
  • Crypto. Anything related to codes and cryptography.
  • General. Anything else.
The Obligatory Disclaimer
We, of course, are not a government entity, nor do we attempt to represent one. We do not perform actual intelligence work, and certainly have not acquired this information via spying. Information presented in this blog is for information and education, and absolutely not for use in any crime. Espionage is a dangerous activity. If you choose to engage in it, be prepared for the not-so-fun activities (e.g. detainment, incarceration, and depending on what country you are in [including possibly the U.S. - which still amazes me], torture). So, in other words, you are responsible for your own actions!

Enjoy the blog!

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